
Posts Tagged ‘Berlin Wall’

I’ve been thinking a lot about fashion recently.  Or maybe just clothes.  I don’t think what I wear qualifies as “fashion.”  I wonder what the difference is …

fashion |ˈfa sh ən|
1 a popular trend, esp. in styles of dress and ornament or manners of behavior : his hair is cut in the latest fashion.
• the production and marketing of new styles of goods, esp. clothing and cosmetics : [as adj. ] a fashion magazine.
2 a manner of doing something : the work is done in a rather casual fashion.

My style of dress is jeans, t-shirts and boots.  My style of ornament is a watch, a scarf and a bag.  Neither of these is really a trend but I suppose they’re both popular  — or innocuous — enough.  I guess you could say that I dress in “a rather casual fashion.”

(Although I shouldn’t dismiss the power of jeans.  (more…)

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