
Posts Tagged ‘women still can’t have it all’

The Atlantic recently published Anne-Marie Slaughter’s smart and thoughtful article Why Women Still Can’t Have It All.

But before I start in on this, I feel like I should add some disclaimers:

  1. I’ve only been a mother for 16 months.
  2. I have not had a career “track” that would be permanently in jeopardy if I left for a while to focus on mothering; I’m a writer who can make her own hours and work in her own home.
  3. I have a kick-ass husband who shares in our domestic duties, loves being a dad, and is fully supportive of my writing work.
  4. I’m pretty tired today from having gotten up early all this week to do said writing work.

And it’s that last point that helps me say, No, women can’t have it all.  No one can.

It’s not the tiredness (and accompanying crankiness) that allows me to say this.  It’s the simple fact that (more…)

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